Monday 20 March 2017


T'aunar - Construction/Assembly/Magnetising Ideas

1. Screws are used to fasten up the feet to the base to ensure that it won't dislodge after a few tabletop match. (You don't want your heavy model fall on top your opponent's nicely painted models)

2. At the center of ball joint, 2mm hole was drilled. This is the point where you connect the upper leg part.

3.  Both the end of the leg pinned with 2mm brass rod

4. The upper torso is connected to the lower torso with 2mm brass rod and 3x3mm magnet. The function of the magnet and small cutout is to fix the torso facing direction so that it won't turn freely and annoy your opponent.

5. Body mounted Burst Cannon and Smart Missile System. 2pieces of 8x1mm magnets and 2pieces of 6x1mm magnets were used. In case in future there is a update to T'aunar defensive weapons, this gives you some flexibility in weapon swapping.

6. There are a few option for shoulder mounted cannon. Here is how I made the weapon swap-able.
2mm brass rod were used.

7. Well you want you model to be able to move around easily by keeping inside box or something. Instead of glued the Multi-Driver cannon to the mounting, I used 6x3mm magnets.

8. As for the arm I used 2pieces 8x2mm magnets, 1piece 6x2mm magnet. On the body side which connecting the hand, I used 2pieces 8x2mm magnets and 1piece 6x3mm magnet.

9. Finally this is the video on how the T'aunar assembled.

AK interactive Acrylic Snow Terrain and Snow Sprinkle (AK8009 AK8011)

AK interactive Acrylic Snow Terrain (AK8009) and Snow Sprinkle (AK8009)

The result shown below are applied straight from the pot to a piece of cardboard. A little bit of water was used at the edge.

The final result after it fully cured about 3 hours later.

Top Left: AK Snow Terrain 8011;.     Top Right: AK Snow Sprinkle 8009
Bottom: 1:1 Mix Snow Terrain+Snow Sprinkle

Sample of finished snow terrain.